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Overwhelmed? I got you!

And the Holiday Season is upon us! I’m excited…..until I remember all “HAVE TO” do. Ahhhhh, Overwhelm, hello old friend.

What does overwhelm even mean?

To me it means that I have too much on my plate that I am not facing.

For example, I get overwhelmed when I let certain daily maintenance routines lapse:

When I haven't exercised
When I haven't had a date with my money numbers
When I haven't reached out to my family or friends
When I never finished my marketing plan
When I forgot to book the cat sitter
etc. etc.

Each of these things is an easy tackle, I could spend 15 minute on each of these and be done over lunch. But when I just let these things float around in my head with no outlet or plan, I get way overwhelmed and all of a sudden I start to feel like my world is falling apart.

My recommendation is always to list all the things that have you overwhelmed - to dos, thoughts, worries....Just brain dump onto a piece of paper.

Then spend 2-5 minutes on each thing. Whether it is to do it or to make a plan to do it (ahem, DELEGATE), just go down the list.

Then check in with yourself - how are you doing now. Anything else lingering that should be on the list. How many of those things actually need a ton of attention . Probably a bit less than it seemed at the onset.

Our brains are powerful tools. But when we overload them, they get a little dramatic. A simple purge and plan will set you up for some room to breathe.

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective.

With Love,

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