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Which Pain is Greater? Staying Stuck or Changing?

Change, Growth, Transformation: all scary.

Why? because we have no idea what's on the other side. We can guess based on other people's experiences and stories, but at the end of the day, until we live it, we simply do not know. And not knowing can be excruciatingly painful (especially those of us who love to have everything planned & on schedule)

Staying stuck in a repetitive cycle of boredom, unmet desire, wishing, or longing (whether for a person, a thing, or an event) is also painful. It's a different pain, a pain of knowing exactly what will happen and doing it anyway.

The impact of staying stuck is the most limiting thing in the world. When we are in that much repetitive pain, we numb. It's what humans do. And when we numb out pain, we also numb out joy and love.

What change are you resisting? Where are you doing the same thing over and over and just hoping for a miracle to change it? 

Do something different! ANYTHING: pick up the phone if you normally wouldn't, if you would then don't. Do the opposite if that's easier than something completely different. It's a start, it's a change.

Need support? This is what I've spent years supporting people through. Whether you need a change in your health, in you career, in your relationship, in your self-love, in your creativity, in your approach to something - I have your back. 

Tell me how this goes below or on my Instagram.

With Love,

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