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I LOVE My Life

I LOVE my life! And I don’t mean this in a “everything is perfect” way, because it’s not and will likely never be because, you know, I’m a human.

What I like about my life are the things I have taken some massive risks to create.  I love my self-run schedule where I have time to create content when inspiration strikes and work when my energy is at its peak, time to travel and get away when finances and plans align, time to focus on my health and well being to keep my life growing and thriving.

I love that I can work outside in the middle of the day.  That I live in a state that is DRENCHED in sunshine more often than it isn’t and that has beaches just a couple hours away from my door so I can go on a whim if I need to breathe in the ocean air.

I love that I have a partner who supports me in the ways I need - he sees me, hears me, asks questions, and creates our life alongside me.

I love that I have friends around me who are growth oriented.  They are always reviewing themselves, their relationships, their activities and editing things in and out that will keep them moving forward.

I love my therapist, my dietitian, my doctor, my acupuncturist, my coach because I picked them carefully.  I picked them for their open mindedness, their interest in growing themselves, their honesty and curiosity.  They are also partners in my ongoing journey of life, not judges of my life.

I love my life because even on my bad days, I have what I need at my fingertips. Even when anxiety and depression grip my mind, I have security and safety.  

I’m sharing this with you for a few reasons:

  1. Because it hit me very suddenly when I was sitting here that, despite all the things that I am working on “fixing” or adjusting in my life, I have a huge chunk of the life I’ve been dreaming of for myself. I forget that all the time, it is an important reminder about my own strength, progress, and manifesting power.

  2. I want you to know that you can love your life no matter how “not perfect” it is!  I am still in the throws of eating disorder recovery, my family dynamics still launch me into deep depressions from time to time, consistent financial stability is a foundation that continues to evade me, etc etc.  But all that doesn’t negate the life I have and love.

  3. Creating a life you love means taking risks, being deeply honest with yourself (with COMPASSION!!), having faith and taking inspired and consistent action.  It takes an ever fluid balance of all those things to create anything!

Take a look at your life, what do you see? Despite the goals in progress, the projects unfinished, the fears and worries - do you love your life?  If not, what is in the way? Is it a mindset shift? Is it a leap of faith? Or just more support?

I invite you to define what risks you are avoiding, to uncover what you are convincing yourself is ok that isn't or vice versa, to check in with your faith and relationship to spirit (God, Universe, Divine, Goddess, Intuition, etc etc), and to take a step forward toward that life, even if it’s just an inch forward.

I want to hear about your life - if you love it and if you don’t - I’m here to support you!

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective.

With Love,

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