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The Desire to be Rescued

It's hard to give up the hope of rescue, isn't it? I know it was (and sometimes still is) for me.

It's so comforting to think that the right person, the last 10 lbs, the next $10K month, or that next raise will make it all better. 

That it will be the thing that "fixes" everything, you just have to hold out for it.

But how does that really go?

We've all had dozens, if not hundreds, of those - when this happens, everything will be great from then on - goals and wishes.

And we continue to grasp onto them; because what is the alternative?

Let me tell you. The alternative is scary. It's facing ourselves - past, present, and future - with curiosity and compassion. And that's HARD.

We've spent most of our lives trying to fix ourselves, beat ourselves into perfection. So to meet ourselves with love and compassion for the first time can feel like we're giving up.

However, that moment, that is the moment that everything changes. The moment we see ourselves as perfect as we are and as we are not. That is the moment we deem ourselves worthy of all we desire and all we need. That is the moment we know we deserve support and help - not to be rescued - but to grow and strengthen ourselves.

Will you choose that moment today? I have your back.

Share your thoughts below or on my Instagram.

With Love,

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