I want to acknowledge you for being here!  Just the mere fact that you are looking at my website means that you are taking steps, taking action.  You know you want things to change, that you want to see results, that you want to feel confident and strong, and you want to really THRIVE in your life.  Realizing that reaching those goals will require support takes a LONG time, it’s not easy. So, for that alone, I celebrate you!! I truly hope you can embrace that praise and let it into your heart.

That said, I want you to know I GET YOU. 

I spent many years thinking that there was something wrong with me, that if I can have the great job, outwardly perfect relationship, and pretty things all around me and not be joyful, then I must be broken. 

When a dear friend passed away in 2015, I finally got the message I’d been missing. 

I realized, until that point, my life was lived to check boxes that others - parents, friends, partners, commercials, TV shows, magazines, etc - told me I should value & prioritize.

That’s when I started my journey into learning, healing, and thriving.  I tried for a while to do this on my own by reading books & blogs, watching videos, and listening to podcasts. I followed their steps diligently and, while I made some headway in my journey,  I kept hitting a brick wall of confusion and perceived powerlessness. And, YET AGAIN, I thought something must be wrong with me. Gaaaahhhhhh

And then I decided to hire a life coach.

It was as if someone had come in with an organization crew and helped me declutter 30 years of unhelpful mental build up.  Within the first few months of working with my first life coach:

  • I improved my health through sleep, exercise, laughter, and boundaries.

  • My friends repeatedly told me I seemed so peaceful and happy

  • I made a career change that I had been contemplating for a decade (!) 

  • Bottom line: I started making powerful, intuition based decisions all over my life

Since that first coach, my life has continued to grow and change in ways I never thought were possible FOR me.  The “secret” to my growth? Investing in myself. Since 2016, I’ve worked with 1-2 coaches per year. Each time I complete a term with a coach, I give myself 1-2 months to watch the tide and then I start on my next goal. 

Having both my gifts and my B.S. reflected to me with kindness, steadfast belief in my capabilities, and unwavering accountability has catapulted me into the life and career that I dreamed of as a little girl.  

If you are ready to do the work, to be held accountable for your life, and to make changes that last then I am crossing my fingers and toes that you reach out!  I am an open book who shares with my clients my deepest, darkest, most personal stories if that’s what it takes to support their thriving life. I believe in transparency and in the power of your intuition. 

If you want to embrace your ability to thrive, I would be honored to support you in the first or next step on your path!

With Love,


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