Who hires a Life Coach? To bottom line: Someone ready for more. An individual may decide to work with a coach for any number of reasons, including but not limited to the following:
-Work and life are out of balance
-An exciting new opportunity (new job, new relationship, etc.) is at stake
-Core strengths need to be identified for leverage in new endeavors
-It is time to identify "What's Next"
-A gap currently exists in skills, confidence, or sources

Is coaching basically therapy?  Coaching is a separate service profession from therapy. Therapy is focused in healing, and occasionally generates some action. Coaching is focused in action, and occasionally generates some healing. As a coach, I am not trained to be able to take on therapeutic concerns such as anxiety, depression, or addiction. Although I can coach around such concerns, ultimately you will not generate the results you desire when other stops are not being addressed. If clients display any of the aforementioned concerns, I will refer them to another professional for support. With that being said, you can absolutely work with a coach if you are also in therapy.

Okay, so what is coaching exactly? Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking process to inspire them to reach their maximum potential personally and professionally. In plain terms, I work with clients to help them get everything they want in life. Although there are many coaching practices that focus solely in one area-such as career, wellness, finances, etc. I intentionally identify myself as a Life and Leadership Coach because it is my personal philosophy that having it all means becoming the leader of your life in all of its areas. As such, although we may work on area-specific projects, coaching will always revert back to the "big picture," the complete and whole life you want for yourself.