It is OK to feel not OK

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I do A LOT of work on myself. I work with a coach, a therapist, a massage therapist, an acupuncturist, and various other healers & teachers. I LOVE self development and growth.⁣

But, sometimes I don't feel great. Maybe my boyfriend says something silly, my sister gets mad at me, my hormones are out of wack, or I ate a thing that leaves my tummy aching.⁣

IT HAPPENS. And yet, because I have so many tools in my tool belt, I forget that it's ok to not feel ok!⁣

The allowance of "not ok" allows for more "ok" as well.⁣

Life is give and take. The more we feel what we don't want the more gratitude we have for what we do want. That goes for everything.⁣

So, If you aren't feeling ok, IT'S OK! You get to feel how you feel. You get to let yourself work through it. You get to be loved and held with all emotions and feelings.⁣

I've got you, and me, and him an her..and I know, I promise, it will be ok.⁣

Comment below or find me on my Instagram!

With Love,⁣

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