The Comparison Trap


Comparison - it's a tricky beast.

It's a way to measure progress, places for improvement, and growth. But that's when we use comparison only for a data point, nothing more, nothing less.

But most of us don't do that at all. Most of us take that data point and then make it mean at least a thousand horrible things about who we are and how we're living our life.

She has a flatter stomach, he has more hair, they are more loving to each other, she has more Instagram followers, he's doing a TED talk, she is was published faster, he had more dates last week, these pants were looser before, and on and on and on and on.

The crazy thing is that almost everyone is walking around with their own version of that talk track in their heads. So all those things we are comparing against our selves, those people don't even appreciate that about themselves AND that goes for you too!

What if you started to take a look at yourself and compare yourself today to you of 10 years ago? How far have you come? How much have you learned from the stumbles and heartbreaks? How much have you grown and seen? Where have you been: in person or in your imagination?

I bet you'll surprise yourself. Try it.

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective.

With Love,

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