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The ONE word to eliminate to boost your confidence NOW

Have you ever thought any of these or a version of these thoughts:

  • I should be grateful for everything I have

  • My partner should be doing more around the house

  • I should be farther along in my career/business

  • This shouldn’t be so exhausting

  • I should be better at scheduling my time

  • I should be able to handle this on my own

Can you see what these all have in common?

YOU GUESSED IT: these statements are quite "shouldy"

Should is one of those dangerous little words that turns motivation into stagnation, partnership into resentment, gratitude into shame, and confidence into anxiety.

That little word wields a whole lot of power over us because we've been hearing it since we were baking in our mom's wombs.  No joke!

I say we boycott the crap out of that dirty little word.

If you don't swear, add it to that list.

If you do - I bet you have that list that is just a bit too crass for your taste - add it to that list.

And if you consider no word off limits ever, great!  You have a one word list that is!

Try it out, see what happens. 

You'll probably be alarmed to learn how often you think it, hear it, and say it.  

AND all this “shoulding” is killing your goals too!

If you are shoulding all over your goals and milestones, you are slowly eating away your motivation to stick to them.  

Thoughts like:

  • This should be easier

  • This should be harder

  • I should aim for more

  • I shouldn't want so much

  • I should have this handled already

  • I should be able to do this faster

Will wear you down and bring your progress, confidence, and results to a grinding halt.  And none of us need more hurdles - life provides us plenty.  

So start this TINY but life changing practice to boost your confidence NOW!

PS. For more support, accountability, and community around your goals and claiming your confidence join me in the Claim Your Confidence community! See you there!