3 Steps To Go From Burnout To Confident

Burnout sucks! You feel drained, overwhelmed, almost like a working zombie on autopilot, numb and slow. 

How do I know? 

I’ve been there more times than I would like to admit. I know that I will get there again if I don’t watch for it.

It’s almost inevitable in a world as fast paced and ambitious as ours.  

But don’t fret!  I have a solution with my three step system that allows you to thrive 

Here’s how to go from BURNOUT to CONFIDENT FAST


More often than not, my clients site lack of sleep as the number one symptom AND contributor to their burnout. I am usually met with - “I just don’t have enough time to get more sleep.”  I get that feeling, I have been there, running on 5 hours of sleep and an obscene amount of coffee. And even though sleeping less technically gives you more hours to get things done, it also slows you waaaaaay down. And the less you sleep for longer, the slower you get.  Basically you are doing in 10-12 hours what you could do in 6-8 hours if you were fully rested and fueled. So take those extra hours of sleep! 7 hours is the BARE MINIMUM you need to be getting to operate at your best.


Ok, so, not just veggies, but they are an important start.  Most people I talk to, myself included, note that they eat a lot more fast and easy foods when they are burned out.  This usually means minimal veggies in the mix. Veggies have TONS of vitamins that keep our body running smoothly: iron and B12 to keep energy level, fiber to keep us regular and comfortable, and vitamin C to keep your blood and gums healthy are just a few reasons to add these back in when you are on a burnout cycle.  And don’t worry, you don’t have to make this complicated. Grab your favorite dressing and some mixed greens or kale and enjoy your meal!


Let me guess: you “have no time” for this either. Right?  Here’s the thing, if we added up all the zombie time you spent staring at your screen or to do list when you are burned out you could straight up run a marathon. I promise, a walk is not going to put you behind, it will actually give you a boost of energy to get ahead!  If walking isn’t your thing, then do some jumping jacks or bust out the yoga mat for a 10 minute stretch session. Whatever your movement of choice, DO IT!

The bottom line is that MOST of us do not do life or death work - Nurses, Surgeons, EMTs, firefighters, and police being the exception.  For the rest of us - whatever we think MUST GET DONE instead of these foundational self care practices can definitely wait while you take a walk or until the morning.  

Try these out for a week and I DARE you not to feel better.

Struggling to work these things into your life, I LOVE to do live spot coaching in my Facebook Group to support my readers!

See you there!

Edyta RomanowiczComment