How Downtime Makes You More Productive

If you are a self help junkie like I am, you have heard over and over and over again that it is important to take time for yourself, to rest and to practice self-care.  AND you probably think that sounds nice until the rubber hits the road and you just do not have a second to spare until you completely melt down.

Have you been there before?  I certainly have.

But no more. Now, downtime is built into my calendar like sleep, food, and work, and I am at least 100% more productive than I was when downtime was the last thing I could be bothered to take time to do.

You’re probably thinking: “Edyta, don’t BS me, that makes zero sense.” *eye roll*

Stay with me! I promise it will make sense by the time you are done reading this.

Think of your brain and energy as a car.  The closer a car’s fuel tank is to “empty” the more jerky and rough the ride is.  The car accelerates at a slower pace, it starts to sound like it’s struggling, and as the driver, you are wishing and begging that it just make it to the next gas station.  

Now if that car is near empty and you only fill up about $2-$3 worth of gas, just enough to get you to your next destination, then you are going to repeat the rough and stressful drive for every single destination you have.  

Most of you are probably appalled by the thought of that, extenuating circumstances aside, you would never operate your car that way, it would drive you crazy and your mechanic would have your head.

But that is how most of us operate our lives.  We run ourselves into the ground trying to get just one more thing done, and one more after that, and promising ourselves we will rest when the kids are older, or this project is over, or Sunday afternoon, etc etc etc.  

We are basically a society of people running on $1 of gas at a time.  We are wearing our brains and bodies down only to berate ourselves when we then don’t want to do another thing.  

Now is the time to start reprogramming our thoughts about down time.  Making down time a critical part of your week is like keeping your car running about a quarter tank at all times.  Filling it up and paying attention when it’s about to start performing off kilter. 

Our brains and bodies need that kind of regular fuel as well.  Food, movement and rest are ALL required to properly fuel ourselves.

I invite you to add an hour of downtime to your calendar this week.  REAL down time, not the numbing kind that you are doing until 2am when you are watching Netflix and you are so  exhausted that the idea of going to sleep feels like too much effort. THAT is not downtime, that is numbing and a topic for another blog post.  

Real downtime means a time slot, blocked out on purpose with full permission to do whatever you need to rest and refuel: nap, read, watch a show, listen to music, journal, chat with your friend, whatever it is that fills the peaceful compartment of your tank.  

You in?

PS. For more support, accountability, and community around your goals and claiming your confidence join me in the Claim Your Confidence community! See you there!