How Hope & Belief Shape Your Mindset


Believe & Hope - how do you define these two beautiful words?

Google Says
Believe: accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.

Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Both have beautiful meanings that bring comfort and excitement to different situations.

And, when we use them in our day to day, which one we choose and empower can make the difference between longing and creating.

When you hope you long, you wish, you experience the thing you are hoping for as outside of your realm of possibility and creation.

When you believe though, you KNOW, you stop at nothing, you might not know how or when but you KNOW it's coming to you so you act and choose to allow it into your life with everything you do.

Which do you lean on most? Does this shift during the holiday season or at other times?

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective!

With Love,

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