The New Year/This Year Tightrope

Just THREE weeks until we're ringing in 2020.

I've been walking the tight rope between planning my 2020 and finishing 2019 strong. 

How about you? How's December going for you? Where is your focus and motivation these days?

So many distractions are available to us right now - and some we absolutely need to embrace: family, friends, fun.

AND, at the same time, creating balance is essential so we don't allow the joy of the season to be our undoing.

I do my best to stay balanced by creating a daily top 4 things to accomplish for the day:

1 self care
1 biz related
1 spiritual
1 integrity item(bills, things I promised I'd do, etc)

I start with those things each day. Once they are accomplished I can dive into the rest of my never ending to do list or meet my friends for a cocktail without the heaviness of “so much to do” weighing me down.

Give it a try and tell me what you think! What are other ways you balance your holiday activities with productivity?

Want free downloads to plan out your next year? Get them inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective!

With Love,

Want more? Join my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective and follow me on Instagram to get a confidence boost daily!

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