I Stand For...


Over the holidays it is easy to lose yourself, don’t you think? I know I can find myself focused on presents, parties, the material parts of the season.

And, while all that fun stuff is well and good, it can swallow us up sometimes. Swallow up our values and what we stand for.

I wrote this post to remind myself what I stand for and to remind you to bring it forth for yourself as well even amidst all the glitz & glamour of this time of year.

So here it goes:

I stand for myself, my clients, all those I love, and all of humanity is that each person live a life of authenticity, confidence and joy.

That is going to look different for each and every person. And for some people the road there is longer than others.

Regardless of the journey or the obstacles, that is what I stand for.

What does that mean?

It means: if you ask me my advice, if you hire me as your coach, or ask me for help: my first question to you will be a version: what will make you love your life even a fraction more than you do now?

What about you? What is your stand for yourself? For those you know, love, etc? How will you keep this top of mind the rest of the season (and beyond)?

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective.

With Love,

Want more? Join my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective and follow me on Instagram to get a confidence boost daily!

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