My Energy is Finite

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I do my best to organize myself on Mondays because, if I don't, I spend a lot of time staring blankly at my laptop trying to decide where to focus my attention.

I like to use two lists:
1) Brain dumping all the things I would like to get gone this week in an ideal world, no holding back.
2) picking six things to focus on per day. And if each day those get done, then I might pick up something else from the brain dump list.

I found that trying to just work off of my Brain Dump list created overwhelm and a sense of not making an actual dent. So, by creating a small subset of things that I focus on each day, the rest just feel like bonus wins! 

I set myself up to feel accomplished every day.

Give this strategy a try and let me know how it goes! And if you have other energy saving tips please share them below!

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective.

With Love,

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