My Morning "Routine"

Morning Routine.png

I have “routine” in quotes because I think the word holds a lot of rigid connotation. For me a routine is about the intention more than the action. That is not to say there is NO action, just that the action may change.

The fluid structure of my morning “routine” is centered around the intention to fuel myself up in the morning.

Because my intention is around fueling-up mentally, emotionally, spiritually & physically: it changes a lot. With the exception of coffee & breakfast, many of the other pieces of my morning routine shift seasonally and throughout the month.

for the last couple weeks my morning has looked like this:

☀️Wake up naturally (around 8am)
☀️Stretch out my back, arms and legs
☀️Curl back into my covers for 5 minutes
☀️Pop out of bed & make it
☀️Feed the cat & Tidy up my home
☀️Put on my work uniform (AKA Yoga pants and cozy sweater or comfy tee)
☀️Prepare coffee & breakfast
☀️Pull a tarot card & do some journaling
☀️Create my to-do lists and plan for the day
☀️Start “work” on my biz around 10 am

Sometimes my connection to spirit is in a meditation instead of tarot
Sometimes a fully yoga routine covers my body, emotions and my spiritual need.
Sometimes I need a shower before I can focus, other times a few minutes of journaling opens me up.

What I invite you to take away from this is two things:

1) A morning intention is critical to success and thriving
2) Action can be fluid even inside routine

What are you thoughts on these take aways? What are your mornings like? And what woudl adding fluidity to your routines look like?

Share in the comments below or inside my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective!

With Love,

Want more? Join my Facebook Group: Confidence Collective and follow me on Instagram to get a confidence boost daily!

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