The ONE Communication Strategy to Improve your Relationship NOW

We all LOVE to be right. Right?

It’s the best.

Our chest swells, our ego sings, and we can pat ourselves on the back.

Aaaaand then we look at our partner whose face is tight and far from enlightened.

They are NOT happy.

Then the drama begins - each side is defending their argument, trying to show that they are right and we go in circles until someone gives in because they are sick of the argument or the other person walks away because, well, they are sick of the argument.

Where did this go so wrong?

Going in wanting to be right, come out the victor, the winner: that is where we go wrong in 99% of arguments.  

But what is I AM right, Edyta?

Well, who cares? When both parties in a discussion or argument care about being right, no one wins.

What I recommend instead is going in with curiosity.  Curiosity about the request, the other person, their feelings, their day, their point. 

Curiosity keeps our hearts and minds open. It gives us space to learn about the other person, create deeper intimacy and embrace compassion.

Curiosity ignites partnership and compromise instead of resentment and sacrifice.

So, for Valentine’s day this year, gift your partner conversations laden with curiosity.  Set the example, model the curiosity in the face of righteousness and watch your relationship blossom.

And, if you still need a place to scratch that “right” itch - join a debate team to scratch that itch

Struggling to work this communication strategy into your life, I LOVE to do live spot coaching in my Facebook Group to support my readers!

See you there!

Edyta RomanowiczComment