Self Care vs Pampering

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While pampering can be a PART of self care - it is not self care in-and-of itself.  Self care starts with the foundation elements below - without them self care doesn’t actually exist!

  • Sleep - this means 7-9 hours in your bed, lights out, with no screens or books at least 90% of the time. Why not 100%? Because those nights where you just can’t sleep or you are up late finishing a project or meeting a deadline, will happen, and that is OK. All the other nights however, rest/sleep time starts when you put the phone and book away, turn out the lights and put your head on the pillow.  

  • Nourishment - eating and drinking in a way that fuels you and keeps you full.  This will look different for everyone. Despite all the “healthy eating” diet and lifestyle plans out there, each person is going to have their own unique mix of foods that leaves them satisfied and fueled.  This means eating enough so that you are not perpetually hungry but not so much that you feel sluggish and bloated after every single meal. It means having the food you crave and balancing it with veggies and protein.  It means focusing on how your body FEELS and NOT the number on the scale.

  • Movement - Like with nourishment, this is based on how your body feels.  What movement makes you feel energized and awake? For some that might be a five mile run every morning and for others that might be a 10 minute walk and a few gentle stretches in the evening. A more intense exercise routine is not better than a gentle one, it is just different!  As long as you are incorporating movement into your day beyond walking to and from the front door, then you are on the right track!

If any of those basics are out of whack, then pampering doesn’t hit the self-care board.  Think of it like trying to put a band-aid on a broken might look cute, but it won’t get the job done.  

If this leaves you feeling overwhelmed or concerned, don’t worry!! Comment or message me for support.

This is the foundational work I did with my first coach and what I do with all my clients - you are not alone in needing support here, in fact, you are in the majority!

What questions do you have? What other resources do you love for each of these?  Share in the comments below and let’s start this important conversation!

Edyta RomanowiczComment