The Upside to Uncertainty (**Through the Lens of Privilege)

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** In light of the racism that is being highlighted in our “modern world” right now, I now see the privilege that permeates this post. For Black people in the western world, uncertainty DOES hold a risk of death.  

The topic of uncertainty highlights the racial divide in the western world. Privilege says that ANYONE can have/be anything if they just take sufficient action.  I used to believe this to be true, but now I am seeing clearly how much more risk taking “sufficient” action holds for the Black community.  

Worrying about uncertainty drains energy, but when that worry is how you stay alive, eliminating it is not an option.  With that in mind, the amount of energy a Black person must expand to both stay alive, create change, and strive for more is astronomical.  

I don’t have answers, I am putting my energy into supporting change in any way I can.  I hope my acknowledgement of privilege, divide, and risk inspires awareness and action.

Humans are biologically wired to turn away from uncertainty. When humans were new to this world, uncertainty meant high risk of death.  Not knowing what was lurking around the next bend could mean we became the hunted.  Carefully analyzing and predicting future risks to minimize uncertainty and increase control was how we kept the human race alive.  It served us well, until now…

In today’s western world, uncertainty rarely comes with the risk of death, it usually comes with the risk of negative feelings.  When I talk to my clients about the obstacles in the way of their goals, it is often the fear of feeling like a failure, the fear of feeling judged, or the fear of feeling disappointed.  And, last I checked, negative emotions don’t lead to a caveman death, but our primitive brains are still on autopilot assuming uncertainty = risk of death.  It’s time to rewrite the equation.

Uncertainty is an uncomfortable emotion that holds POSSIBILITY.  When we don’t know what can happen next, we have the opportunity to create it.  

So, instead of letting your primitive mind run the show and drag you into a world of “what if” or “I can’t” or “It’s too scary”, press pause an and remind yourself that negative emotions are a part of being a human.  They do not lead to death.  Negative emotions come with ANY and ALL CHANGE and GROWTH.  

Then put yourself at choice.  Ask yourself:  Do I want to spend my energy worrying about what i don’t know OR do I want to spend my energy taking steps to get closer to my goals?

My invitation to you is to use uncertainty as your cue to reprogram your automatic ways of thinking.  Give it a shot and tell us about it!


PS.  If you need some assistance finding a great therapist or coach, let’s jump on a call and get you started with some people to call.

PPS. To join the conversation about racism and privilege , join my FB group where I am sharing my thoughts and resources to take action.