What It Means To Be Confident

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What does it mean to be confident?

It’s a question that I revisit often as my business, brand, and mission revolve around confidence.

Here is what I’ve learned about confidence over the years:

Confidence is NOT knowing all the things.  It is NOT getting all the things right.

Confidence is NOT extroversion and socializing

Confidence is NOT perfection

Confidence is NOT having the right answers

Confidence is NOT about the size of your jeans or the shape of your body

Confidence is NOT about fitting in or standing out

Confidence is about your inner dialogue and self trust.  It is a relationship that you build between your inner self and your ability to take on life.

Confidence is built as you begin to kindly guide yourself through transformation and growth. It is knowing your value and making choices frequently that align with them

We feel confidence when we know we have the tools and ability to handle any situation that life throws at us with kindness, love and learning.  That means that “failing” is not shamed and considered “bad”.  Instead failing is a stepping stone, an experience to learn from and grow upon.

We feel confident when we look in the mirror and know we are taking care of ourselves.  Not because our abs show or because our butts can bounce a quarter (because those are actually not at all measures of care or health). Confidence is looking in the mirror and seeing our strength, our compassion, the ability to love and be grateful for what our bodies do for us no matter how they look. 

Confidence is knowing that hard times will happen, that they will hurt and that they will teach us lessons we can choose to carry forward.  It is knowing we will survive those times and use them to grow and not to sink.  

Confidence is knowing we are worthy of support and care and then getting it from appropriate sources: doctors, healers, therapists, acupuncturists, coaches, etc etc. 

Confidence is embracing the dual nature of humanity: that hard time leads us to create the good and the good gives us light through the bad.

Confidence is personal and ever evolving for each of us.  

What is confidence to you? Share below!

PS.  If you need some assistance finding a great therapist or coach, let’s jump on a call and get you started with some people to call.

PPS.  Don’t forget to download your Social Distancing Survival Kit here!