10 Ways to Boost Your Energy in 30 Seconds or Less


Happy May everyone!  

I took April off to go inward and see what is coming up for me in this pandemic.  I have definitely found that my heart is more tender and my body in need of love and comfort as this uncertainty continues to loom over all of us.

One of the side effects of the quarantine life is that my energy plummets at random times in ways that feel insurmountable at times.  I have also heard this from many of my clients.

Here are some of the ways I’ve been getting my juices flowing and my energy moving when things get heavy:

1. Crazy Eights https://youtu.be/VEw7FidF61c

This is a fun little exercise that I learned in my improv days.  When I only have 5 minutes between clients and I do this, I get a couple hours of focus and energy back each time!

2. Jumping Jacks or Arm Jacks

Like the crazy eights, this movement gets your body moving and your heart pumping and you can do it anywhere even just sitting at your desk without jumping!

3. Dance like nobody's watching

This is my favorite when my mood AND energy take a dive.  My favorite upbeat song of the moment plus some unchoreographed body movement that would probably give anyone watching a good laugh are a never fail if I have 10 minutes to spare.

4. Call an energetic or funny friend; talk to them while walking.

Movement, sunshine, fresh air, and someone to focus on other than yourself.  Can’t go wrong.

5. Shake Shake Shake Senora

This one is great if you are feeling lethargic and frustrated.  Just shake your whole body as if you were shaking the dust of a rug, but instead you are shaking that stale energy off of yourself.

6. Chair twists/Chair Yoga https://youtu.be/tAUf7aajBWE https://youtu.be/TTcG58s1xwc 

A great move for when  you are stuck at your desk on back to back calls or up against a deadline.  I like to go a lot faster than the video but be gentle with your back!

7. Roll it Arms https://youtu.be/076ejAG7W3A

Again, one you can do right in your chair or add to the dance party or shake fest.  Moves your blood, moves your energy, warms your up and pumps you up!

8. Laugh out loud

If you have time to watch a funny video and get a laugh that way.  But if not, just simulating or acting out laughter will shift your energy up a few pegs. 

9. Mouth Stretches https://youtu.be/VkKjsNl3BGI 

Much like the laughing simulation, this exercise has you move your facial muscles all over.  This was the funniest video I found on this. Honestly, though, I just do whatever feels good and silly and aligned with my mood in the moment and it works!

10. Cold Water Splash

If you are not on video calls this one will shock your blood into moving.  Throw some ice cold water on your face and feel refreshed!  A facial mist that you keep in the refrigerator works great too for less of an intense shock.

Do you have more tips for us!? Or have your tried one of these? Share below!

PS.  If you need some assistance finding a great therapist or coach, let’s jump on a call and get you started with some people to call.

PPS.  Don’t forget to download your Social Distancing Survival Kit here!